Sunday, August 07, 2005


The weekend workshop is just over. This afternoon, most of the participants left though Marlis and Michael are still around. It was a good effort all round. The theme Ariela had chosen (partly influenced my grandmother`s death last week) was: Death. How we react to it, what role it plays in our lives (if any) and what death has to do with life. (In other words the ability to let go). More tomorrow hopefully. Right now there is an interesting conversation going on in the kitchen so I am off.

The weather has been cloudy and wet for the last couple of days. Also I am down with a minor infection on my right fore finger which Thomas (who is a doctor besides being a musician) has bandaged for me. He says it is minor and should clear up soon. Hope it does because it hurts quite a lot and even using the keyboard is a bit uncomfortable.

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